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A BRIEF Hist y In the mid 1970s, an engaged citizen, Ms. Linda Setliff, reached out to Town Council about the Cary High School track team. She was concerned about their safety as they ran along Kildaire Farm Road, then a 2-‚ane country road with no shoulders. She believed they deserved a safer p‚ace to run, and brought her concerns to the Town. Little did Ms. Setliff know at the time but her request was the seed that blossomed into the extensive greenway system that thousands of runners now enjoy. In 1976, Cary Town Council created a citizen committee — the Greenway Commission — with E very day all across Cary, cyclists, walkers, runners, rollerbaders and skateboarders, dogwalkers and strollers traverse more than 80 miles of greenways that connect the paces where they live to schools, shops, parks, and even destinations beyond our city. Winding through beautiful neighborhoods under shady tree cover, up challenging hills and around scenic curves, across boardwalks over akes, in and out of what is now a bustling community, this vast network of paved trails has been connecting the people and paces of Cary for 40 years. And we think this is cause for celebration! Let's take a look back at how this Gold Medal Award-winning system began. 4 0 Y E A R S O F C A R Y G R E E N W A Y S OF CARY GREENWAYS 40 e Joggers on Back Creek Greenway | Photo By Evan Staley