TOWN OF CARY Benefits Handbook Page 3
Overview of Benefits Eligibility and Process
on your health
insurance rate by
participating in the
Healthy Rewards
o Review the Benefits Information provided
via this handbook and on CNET
o Compile important information
(SSN & DOB) to enroll yourself and your
dependents in benefits. Visit the Online
Benefits Enrollment system - Employee
Navigator. Reference First Time User
o Elect or decline your benefits within
30 days of your hire date
o I f y o u d e c i d e t o d e c l i n e m e d i c a l
i n s u r a n c e , c o m p l e t e t h e W a i v e r
O f G r o u p C o v e r a g e , a n d r e t u r n t o
H u m a n R e s o u r c e s
o To pay a lower medical insurance
premium you will need to schedule and
four health coaching sessions
with WakeMed Education Specialist Emily
Medlin at 919-350-7132 or emmedlin@ When completed, you
will be eligible for the Reward Health
Insurance rate.
o Designate the Town's 5% Retirement
Contribution to your 401k or 401a. These
forms need to be completed and returned
within 30 days of your hire date
o Designate your pension beneficiaries
online with NCLGERS. You will need to
complete this after you have been
employed with the Town for 30 days
o Provide your Life Insurance
Beneficiaries when enrolling online
o The Town also accepts sick leave balances
from employees who have prior service
with a participant in either NCLGERS or
The North Carolina Teachers and State
Retirement System (TSERS) in accordance
with LGERS. An employee who wishes
to transfer time from another LGERS or
TSERS organization should provide
documentation of that sick leave balance to
Human Resources.
o Review your beneficiaries for
1. Basic Life Insurance provided by
the Town
2. Voluntary Life Insurance
3. The NC Local Government Employee
Retirement System pension
4. The employee's supplemental
retirement account through
Prudential or Voya
o Update your Employee Demographic -
Emergency Contact Form
o Participate in the Healthy Rewards Pro-
gram which may include a health screen-
ing, health coaching and/or online health
assessment component. Information on
the program requirements are provided
annually through Human Resources.
o Complete your online benefits
enrollment through Employee Navigator
during Open Enrollment (May). Use the
Quick Start Instructions for Return Users.
Also Forgotten Password and Forgotten
Username instructions if needed.
o If you decide to decline medical
insurance, complete the Waiver Of
Group Coverage, and return to Human
o Review your vacation & sick leave. An
employee may only carry a total of 240
hours of vacation leave into the new
fiscal year. Any vacation hours over 240
will roll into the employee's sick leave
Benefit Spot App
Employee Navigator
Healthy Rewards
Waiver of Coverage Form
CARY Benefits Handbook Page 3
Overview of Benefits Eligibility and Process
on your health
insurance rate by
participating in the
Healthy Rewards
o Review the Benefits Information provided
via this handbook and on CNET
o Compile important information
(SSN and DOB) to enroll yourself and
your dependents. Use Employee
Navigator to enroll.
o To pay the lower medical insurance rate
through December 31, 2023, complete an
annual physical and submit the physician
form to WakeMed within 90 days of hire.
To continue receiving the lower medical
insurance rate as of January 1, 2024,
you must complete an annual physical
and a dental exam with cleaning and
submit the physician and dental forms to
WakeMed by December 15, 2023.
o Elect or decline benefits within
30 days of your hire date
o If you decide to decline medical
insurance, complete the Waiver Of
Group Coverage, and return to Human
o To cover a domestic partner, you must
complete this Enrollment Form.
o Designate Cary's 5% Retirement
Contribution to your 401k or 401a.
Complete and return forms within
30 days of your hire date
o Designate your pension beneficiaries
online with with the North Carolina
Local Government Employees'
Retirement System (LGERS).
Complete this after you have been
employed with Cary for 30 days.
o Provide your Life Insurance Beneficiaries
when enrolling online.
o Cary accepts sick leave balance transfers
from employees who have prior service
with a LGERS or the North Carolina
Teachers' and State Employees' Retirement
System (TSERS) participating agency. To
transfer sick leave from another NCLGERS
or NCTSERS participating agency to Cary,
provide a letter to HR from the former
employee with your sick leave balance.
o Review your beneficiaries for
1. Basic Life Insurance provided by Cary
2. Voluntary Life Insurance
3. The NC Local Government Employee
Retirement System pension
4. The employee's supplemental
retirement account through
Prudential or Voya
o Update your Employee Demographic -
Emergency Contact Form
o To receive the lower health insurance
rates for the 2023–2024 plan year,
which begins July 1, 2023, you must
complete an annual physical with
a primary care provider, a dental
cleaning and exam, and submit the
physician and dental forms to
WakeMed by December 15, 2023.
o Complete your online benefits
enrollment through Employee Navigator
during Open Enrollment (May). Use
the Quick Start Instructions for Return
Users, Forgotten Password, or Forgotten
Username instructions if needed.
o If you decide to decline medical
insurance, complete the Waiver Of
Group Coverage, and return to
Human Resources.
Review your available and/or accrued
paid leave to include vacation, sick and
Leave My Way. At the end of the fiscal
year, vacation over 240 hours rolls into
sick leave, whereas Leave My Way does
not roll and is not paid out.
Benefit Spot App
Benefit Videos
Domestic Partner-
Domestic Partner-
Enrollment System (EN)
Healthy Rewards
Waiver of Coverage Form