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SENIORS PART TWO REGISTER ONLINE: 129 CONSUMER FRAUD Keep your private information safe and learn how to protect yourself from scammers. Presented by Ramona Harrell, senior nancial services of cer with NC State Employees Credit Union. Thu Dec 14 9:30–10:30 a.m. 029656 (1 class) Legal Essentials At these free seminars, you'll hear from lawyers, specialists, and experts about practical legal information to protect you and your loved ones. LEGAL AID A Legal Aid attorney will visit Cary Senior Center to execute wills and advance directives (Power of Attorney, Health Care Power of Attorney, and/or Living Will). Income limits apply. Legal Aid of NC. Call (919) 462-3983 for more information. Wed Sep 20 10 a.m.–2 p.m. 029666 (1 class) WILLS VS. TRUSTS Wills require probate; trusts do not. Trusts usually cost more to set up but may be bene cial in the long run. Learn why. Presented by Carolina Estate Counsel, a division of Huston Law Firm. Thu Oct 5 9:30–10:30 a.m. 029669 (1 class) BASICS OF ESTATE PLANNING What is the difference between "estate planning" and having a will? Understand what a will, power of attorney, and trust can and cannot do. Learn ways to avoid probate, the most important being Bene ciary Designation Forms. Presented by Tom McCuiston, McCuiston Law Of ces. Thu Oct 19 9:30–10:30 a.m. 029681 (1 class) FREE! Financial Series You can always improve your fi ancial wellness. These seminars are an investment in your future! HOW TO LOWER YOUR RMDS If you don't need or want to take Required Minimum Distributions (RMD) and could bene t from a reduction in RMD-related taxes, then come learn how a change in the IRS code could bene t you. Presented by Fred Barone, nancial services professional, Barone Financial Group. Thu Sep 21 9:30–10:30 a.m. 029653 (1 class) SOCIAL SECURITY MAXIMIZATION Maximize your Social Security bene ts and increase your retirement income. Learn how Social Security bene ts are calculated and when is the best time to apply for them. Presented by Mark Courtemanche, national Social Security adviser with Pinnacle Retirement Solutions. Fri Sep 29 9:30–10:30 a.m. 029654 (1 class) PLANNING FOR LIFETIME INCOME IN RETIREMENT Will your income outlive you, or will you outlive your income? An informative course on retirement income to last a lifetime without annuities. Presented by Gray Pendleton, CFP. Fri Oct 20 9:30–10:30 a.m. 029655 (1 class) THE OTHER IMPORTANT TALK We try to cover our bases for estate planning but often forget to do the most important thing: bring our children, trustees, or any other people who are intimately involved with us up to date on our nancial documents, wishes, and desires. Mo Vidwans, Vidwans Financial. Fri Dec 8 9:30–10:30 a.m. 029657 (1 class) NEW! FREE!

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