Cary Community Plan 11-04-2016 Part 1

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TRENDS & INFLUENCES 7 COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARING DRAFT [NOV. 3, 2016] INCREASING TRANSPORTATION DEMANDS Today, Cary's transporta on network provides an excellent system of streets, award-winning greenways, miles of sidewalks, and bicycle facili es. Combined, these transporta on facili es support a commu ng local workforce, recrea onal enthusiasts, and regional travelers. But with the expected regional popula on growth, projected future travel demand on roadways over the next 20 years increasingly will exceed exis ng roadway capaci es. As Cary's roadway network becomes built out and as Federal and State transporta on funding sources con nue to diminish, there will likely be a shi in focus from building new infrastructure to maintaining the exis ng system. Compounding these challenges is the increasing cost of infrastructure improvements resul ng in the need to use exis ng infrastructure more efficiently. Cary's residents have demonstrated their support for transporta on choices that will allow residents and workers to drive, walk, bike, take the bus, or even possibly ride regional rail to des na ons. Expanding alterna ve travel op ons while maintaining vehicular mobility will require changes in development pa erns as well as improvements to the transporta on network. The challenge facing Cary is to provide future residents with a complete range of choices that are opera onally and fiscally efficient. 37% 43% 32% 25% 32% 5% 5% 15% 7% 15% 10% 19% 32% 17% 23% 13% 16% 12% 16% 12% 22% 13% 5% 9% 13% 14% 2% 3% 26% 4% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Work Shopping Park School Fun How Would You Like to Get to These Destinations in the Future? Car Bike Walk Bus Rail Other When Cary residents were asked how they would like to get around in the future, they expressed a desire for a variety of transporta on choices regardless of the final des na on. DEMAND FOR 21ST CENTURY DEVELOPMENT OPTIONS Cary is known for its high-quality suburban neighborhoods, commercial centers, and business parks. These developments have helped make Cary the community of dis nc on that it is today. However, preferences for these places may be changing. As evidenced by input from Cary's ci zens and business leaders, there is demand for new 21st century developments that reflect evolving lifestyles and workplace environments. Na onal trends show that people want to be more connected, and they want to live and work in an ac ve and vibrant environment that makes it easier to be connected to friends and neighbors, to community services and ac vi es, and to easily access des na ons. Many polls show that re rees and young professionals both desire the same type of living environment: one that is walkable, connected, affordable, and vibrant. It will be important for Cary to accommodate the housing needs of its aging and diversifying residen al popula on and growing local workforce. Likewise, the Town will need to consider the loca onal needs of target industries to make sure employment centers offer the type of workplace environment that modern businesses desire. Making a great place doesn't happen by accident. There are many key a ributes and design features needed to create successful places.

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