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Undertake Regulatory Changes to Implement the Future Growth Framework HOW WE WILL ACHIEVE OUR VISION HOW WE WILL ACHIEVE OUR VISION 1 Major Actions: • Amend as appropriate Cary's Zoning Ordinance, Site Design Standards and Design Guidelines through the implementa- on of the policy ini a ves and ac ons set out in the LIVE, WORK, SHOP, ENGAGE, MOVE, SERVE chapters and in the Special Planning Area discussions in this chapter (SHAPE). Amendments should include: – Zoning districts that can accommodate new development categories included on the Future Growth Framework Map (i.e., Employment Mixed Use Campus, Commercial Mixed Use Center, and Des na on Center). – Specific standards for redevelopment and infill development contexts that provide appropriate transi ons to adja- cent areas, and that meet the vision of the Future Growth Framework development categories and the objec ves developed by the Redevelopment Roundtable. – A consolidated set of design guidelines and site design standards that synthesize, streamline, and simplify the current array of guidelines and standards. This revised set of design guidelines and standards should be inclusive of all areas of Town, and include design guidelines for Special Planning Areas (e.g., Carpenter Rural Village Design Guidelines) as well as general design guidance that should be applied widely across the community. – Updated design guidelines and site design standards that address more intensive land use categories – Employment Mixed Use Campus, Commercial Mixed Use Center, and Des na on Centers – and the design factors that arise with more intense ver cally mixed uses. These include but are not limited to the design, placement, and orienta on of structured parking decks; reducing the effects of solar shading where larger buildings cast shadows on adjacent lower story buildings; transi ons and connec ons with lower intensity developments; and design of pedestrian, bicycle, and transit ameni es provided internally to sites. • Establish an interdepartmental working group that meets regularly to discuss and oversee progress on the regulatory changes necessary to implement the Future Growth Framework. 91 COUNCIL FINAL PUBLIC MEETING DRAFT [JAN. 24, 2017]