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CHAPTER 6:SHAPE FUTURE GROWTH FRAMEWORK Cary's Future Growth Framework sets the vision for Cary in 2040 and provides the long-term framework for future development, capital improvements, and community reinvestment efforts. Cary's vision for 2040 maintains and enhances the core quali es that make the Town an a rac ve and invi ng community, while also providing strategic opportuni es for new and remarkable developments where future residents can live, work, and play within vibrant and walkable environments. The Town's Future Growth Framework is organized into two interconnected elements: 1. Future Growth Framework Map, Development Categories, and Use Types 2. Special Planning Areas 1. Map, Development Categories, & Use Types The Future Growth Framework Map describes the long-term, physical structure and character desired for Cary out to 2040. The map organizes the Town's physical layout, structure and character using a number of different development categories. These development categories describe the character intended for each area iden fied on the Future Growth Framework Map, and are listed a er the Future Growth Framework Map in this chapter. Each development category descrip on is color coded to correspond to the map color of the same category. Within each of the development categories is a list of primary and secondary land uses. These use types help clarify the types of land uses that are characteris c of each development category, and the general character of use types. These use types are described and illustrated in the subsec on following the development categories. 2. Special Planning Areas The Future Growth Framework also provides addi onal guidance for special planning areas, parts of Cary that require more detailed recommenda ons and guidance than other areas due to special characteris cs or circumstances of each special area. The special planning areas provide more detailed direc on and include the core issues, vision for character and form of development, and implementa on strategies for each area. • Chatham County-Town of Cary Joint Planning Area • Downtown • Eastern Cary Gateway • Green Level • Historic Carpenter Map Interpretation The Future Growth Framework Map and development categories were developed to provide guidance for specific geographies throughout Cary's planning area. Special care was taken to evaluate all areas of the map to ensure that the map is generally accurate in interpre ng the vision for the community. However, the Future Growth Framework Map is not intended to provide site level guidance with precision. For sites located on the boundaries between development categories on the Future Growth Framework Map, the mapped edges of a par cular development category are not intended to be interpreted with rigid fixity in all cases, but may rather be interpreted in light of the policies relevant to the site, and the par cular site circumstances. Map Amendments The Future Growth Framework Map and development categories were also developed to provide flexibility and to reduce the need for Future Growth Framework map amendments. However, there may be instances in the future that will require amendments to the map. These map amendments should take place only in situa ons where the fundamental vision for an area changes, not when an individual site within a development category is being approved for a use not listed in the development category. 92 COUNCIL FINAL PUBLIC MEETING DRAFT [JAN. 24, 2017] Map & Development Categories Use Types