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Na onally, a broad measure of travel behavior is vehicle miles traveled per capita. Since the 1970s, this measure has risen steadily, pausing only during recessions. Encapsulated in the rise of vehicle miles traveled are a number of economic and social trends such as suburbaniza on, increasing household incomes, women entering the workforce in greater numbers, and decreasing costs of vehicle ownership. More recently, per capita driving has declined. Much of the decrease can be explained by the 2008 economic downturn and increases in gas prices. However, per capita vehicle miles traveled peaked in 2005, before the recession, and has not fully rebounded since the recession ended, indica ng other factors may be affec ng people's decision to drive. In the last year, vehicle miles traveled has begun to trend upwards again, perhaps signaling a resump on of historic trends. How demographic, technological, and personal trends affect vehicle miles traveled will help determine the needed transporta on network in Cary. Cary has a strong exis ng transporta on network, with well- designed streets, good sidewalk coverage, a variety of bicycle facili es, and an efficient transit system. The quality of the exis ng system is a result of past prudent investments in infrastructure. As Cary looks to the future, con nued investments in infrastructure and implementa on of policies will improve mobility for Cary residents, workers, and visitors. There are several local and na onal trends and factors that may affect future travel in Cary. These trends present challenges and opportuni es for Cary as the transporta on, demographic, and technological landscape shi s. Many of these trends are only beginning to emerge and the full extent of their impact on travel and transporta on is not fully known. Some of the trends are a result of shi ing professional prac ces, like increased understanding of the interac on between land use and transporta on. Together, these trends provide context to the transporta on recommenda ons as factors that currently affect travel in Cary or may in the future. 7. MOVE CHALLENGES AND OPPORTUNITIES