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CHAPTER 7:MOVE In order to respond to the transporta on challenges and opportuni es, and to provide an efficient, func onal, and well-designed transporta on system that provides mobility choices, Cary's transporta on policies are below. Policies are not ordered by priority. POLICY DIRECTION Policy Policy Intent Policy 1: Ensure Safety for All Users and Modes Evaluate the Town's transportation network to ensure the safety of all roadway users, regardless of age or ability including pedestrians, bicyclists, transit riders, and motorists. • Make safety the top goal by designing streets that seek to minimize crashes and the potential for conflicts. • Design all transportation elements with safety in mind. • Continue to evaluate and reevaluate crash and safety data to identify areas that may need targeted safety improvements. Policy 2: Apply Multimodal Street Designs Apply "complete street " design guidelines for the cross-sections and intersections of all streets, collectors, and thoroughfares based on system demand and each street's land use context. • Design streets that are accessible and usable for all Cary residents, workers, and visitors. • Address changing national trends in trip preferences and needs by designing streets that allow individuals to choose their preferred mode of travel. • Address needs of individuals who have a variety of mobility needs and abilities. Policy 3: Design Transportation Infrastructure to Address Land Use Context Incorporate transportation improvements along corridors in a context-sensitive way, balancing community character, historic preservation, environmental protection, and aesthetics with transportation and mobility needs. • Recognize the connection between transportation and land use. • Recognize that different intensities and types of land use require various transportation elements and configurations of transportation infrastructure. Policy 4: Focus Investments on Improving Connections and Closing Gaps Focus transportation investments on bridging connectivity gaps between employment centers, neighborhoods, and mixed use commercial developments. Improve connectivity within and between these destinations by providing opportunities for all modes of transportation: driving, walking, biking, and taking transit. This also includes improving opportunities for connectivity via greenways and trails. • Recognize that much of the transportation infrastructure in Cary is mature or in established neighborhoods. • Maximize transportation investments by focusing on the highest need areas and places where targeted investments will yield significant benefits. 218 COUNCIL FINAL PUBLIC MEETING DRAFT [JAN. 24, 2017]