Cary Community Plan 1-18-2017 Part 2

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The bicycling community has varying levels of comfort in biking with vehicular traffic; some riders are comfortable riding in mixed traffic and others prefer to be separated from vehicular traffic. In order to address the spectrum of different types of bicyclists in Cary, two dis nct bikeway typologies have been developed. This approach parallels a similar movement across the United States towards developing low-stress bicycle networks that provide separated space for bicycling or routes along calmer streets. This development is supported by growing research evidence finding that low-stress bikeways and separated bikeway facili es increase ridership. Wide outside lanes and bike lanes along higher traffic volume/speed roadways are generally only used comfortably by experienced bicyclists, a small percentage of the popula on. Signed neighborhood routes, mul -use trails, greenways, street-side trails, separated bike lanes, and buffered bike lanes are used by a larger percentage of the popula on. The exis ng and recommended Neighborhood Bikeway system includes a network of low-stress on-street bikeways, along streets with lower speed limits and traffic volumes or streets with separated bicycle lanes, as well as the off-street trail system, along greenway trails and street-side trails. This network will serve those bicyclists who feel most comfortable completely separated from motor vehicle traffic or along residen al roadways. The exis ng and recommended Commuter Bikeway system includes a network of bike lanes, wide outside lanes, and shared lane markings along streets that provide more direct routes for advanced bicycle commuters and those who are comfortable riding in traffic. These two systems are not mutually exclusive. Neighborhood and Commuter Bikeways BIKE ELEMENT BIKE ELEMENT 233 COUNCIL FINAL PUBLIC MEETING DRAFT [JAN. 24, 2017]

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