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As Cary grows, GoCary (formerly C-Tran) also has the opportunity to grow and accommodate an increasing number of trips. This sec on presents the proposed addi ons and changes to the GoCary network and service. These changes are based on input from the community open houses, the Transporta on Advisory Group (TAG) and Commi ee for the Future (CFTF) for Imagine Cary, staff input, and analysis of poten al transit ridership based on popula on and employment projec ons. These recommenda ons were developed concurrently with the Wake County Transit Plan (WCTP), and the recommenda ons developed here as part of the Imagine Cary process are intended to complement the WCTP. The main factors that influence the demand for transit service are popula on and employment densi es. Routes that serve higher density popula on and employment areas have higher poten al for trips per revenue hour of service. These recommenda ons were developed using counts of popula on and employment within 1/4-mile of current and poten al transit routes with current year data and 2040 projec ons from the Future Growth Framework model scenario. Forty-three routes and route permuta ons were analyzed. When fully implemented, these recommenda ons will create a GoCary service with increased service frequency, more service days, increased hours of service, and expanded geographic coverage. Combined with expected transit expansions envisioned by the WCTP, these recommenda ons will give Cary residents much more transit service to des na ons in Cary and throughout the Triangle region. The complete analysis of all proposed changes to the transit network, including a comparison of how each proposal ranked for their proximity to residen al and employment popula ons is presented in the Technical Appendix. Highlights of the recommended changes to the GoCary network include: Addi onal Service on Exis ng Routes • Increase all routes to a minimum 30-minute weekday and Saturday service frequencies • Add Sunday service with 60-minute frequency • Expand span of daily service to 20 hours of service per day (e.g., service between 5:00 am and 1:00 am, daily) New Des na ons for Service • Cary Depot to Wake Technical Community College • Cary Depot to downtown Raleigh • Cary Depot to Crossroads • Cary Depot to Beaver Creek • Service on Weston Parkway • Service to west Cary and the Green Level Church area • Service on Cary Parkway • Cary Depot to RDU Airport TRANSIT ELEMENT TRANSIT ELEMENT 239 COUNCIL FINAL PUBLIC MEETING DRAFT [JAN. 24, 2017]