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Provide for the Safe and Efficient Movement of People and Goods Create a Balanced Transportation System HOW WE WILL ACHIEVE OUR VISION Major Action: • Evaluate and identify feasible corridors for bus rapid transit and opportunities for con- text-sensitive improvements. HOW WE WILL ACHIEVE OUR VISION 1 2 Major Actions: • Conduct a pilot program to construct and evaluate a separated bike lane along Cha- tham Street. • Conduct a study with other public/private partners for a future north-south transporta- tion corridor in western Cary along existing rail infrastructure. • Evaluate holistically more frequent and wider coverage of transit as described by the Wake County Transit Plan. • Continue the implementation of ADA pedestrian improvements at targeted intersec- tions throughout Town. Integrate the Built and Natural Environment With an Innovative and Well-Designed Transportation System to Create Great Places and Great Spaces 3 Major Actions: • Evaluate the impact of the Future Growth Framework on existing parking/pedestrian/ bicycle/transit standards and requirements (e.g. size facilities appropriately in destina- tion centers), and update as necessary. • Develop an interdepartmental and multi-disciplinary collaboration process for respond- ing to unique transportation situations and contexts, including impacts to the natural environment, special urban centers, and historic features. Make Strategic and Equitable Transportation Investments 4 Major Actions: • Explore intelligent transportation systems and emerging technologies and evaluate their integration into Cary's transportation system. • Focus on public/private investment opportunities and/or cost-sharing for future transportation projects. 243 COUNCIL FINAL PUBLIC MEETING DRAFT [JAN. 24, 2017]