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Provide and Promote Safe, Reliable, Technologically Progressive and Environmentally Responsive Public Services CHAPTER 8:SERVE COUNCIL FINAL PUBLIC MEETING DRAFT [JAN. 24, 2017] HOW WE WILL ACHIEVE OUR VISION 1 The Town will con nue to be a service leader by integra ng technology into the delivery of our services to achieve efficiency, reduce impacts on the environment, and to improve the quality of life for our community. When possible, the Town will work with public and private sector partners to implement technologies in a prac cal manner that is in keeping with our core values. The Town will look for opportuni es to work with local universi es to take advantage of their academic and technical knowledge. Major Actions: • Identify and implement policies, programs, and practices needed to place Cary in the top 10% of comparable commu- nities for key measures of quality of life. The Town should select indicators or metrics to be tracked over time, such as: – Feet of pipe (storm drain, water, wastewater) – Miles of roads – Water produced for consump on – Wastewater treated – Energy consumed – Protected open space – Habitat protected/restored – Number of stormwater reten on devices – Air quality – Water quality – Tree canopy – Vehicles miles traveled – Average vehicle miles per gallon efficiency – Average distance to a green- way or park – Solid waste diversion rate – Miles of greenway – Miles of sidewalk – Miles of bike lanes – Walk score – Crime rate – Response me to emergency calls – Housing costs – Transporta on costs – Average income – High-speed internet access • Identify pressing public service challenges facing the Town of Cary and recommend approaches for addressing them on an ongoing basis. • Create a Town of Cary Smart City/Strategic Innovation Plan to identify and remove barriers to innovation. This cross-func- tional plan - with an emphasis on emerging technologies - will unify organizational efforts and create cohesive strategic direction. Promote Green Practices That Will Leave An Environmentally Safe and Desirable Community for Future Generations 2 Major Actions: • Provide regional leadership among communities contributing to and affected by nutrient loads to Jordan Lake with the objective of agreeing on a science-based program to protect the future quality of the lake. The Town will continue to sup- port the state's Jordan Lake rules and implement Jordan Lake nutrient management strategies in our jurisdiction. Im- plementation of a nutrient management strategy for the stressed ecosystem is needed to mitigate future drinking water treatment challenges and associated increasing costs. The Town believes that a science-based approach to managing Jordan Lake's water quality will have a net positive benefit for our citizens and for the communities in the watershed. The Town will work with state officials and other stakeholders as we chart a course for the future of the Jordan Lake watershed. • Create a Town of Cary Sustainability Plan to integrate concepts of sustainability into the Town's planning practices, pro- cesses, and service delivery. 254