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CHAPTER 8:SERVE COUNCIL FINAL PUBLIC MEETING DRAFT [JAN. 24, 2017] Live: Fostering Strong Neighborhoods Work Assuring Continued Prosperity Shop: Creating Vibrant Destinations Engage: Experiencing the Cary Community Shape: Guiding Community Growth Move: Providing Transportation Choices Policy #1: Grow A Sustainable and Diversifying Workforce Policy #2: Enhance Loca onal Appeal to Businesses and Workers Policy #3: Retain and Grow Exis ng Cary Businesses Policy #5: A ract New, High Value Businesses Policy #7: Ensure the Economic Growth and Vitality of Downtown Policy #12: Transform Selected Office Parks into Employment Mixed Use Centers Parks, Recrea on & Cultural Resources Master Plan Goals #1, #3, #4, #5, #8, #9 Public Art Master Plan Vision Policy #1: Distribute Commercial Centers, Mixed-Use Centers, and Des na on Centers Across Town Policy #4: Support and Facilitate Redevelopment and Infill Development Policy #5: Support the Revitaliza on of Targeted Development Corridors Policy #8: Preserve and Maintain Cary's A rac ve Appearance and Quality of Development Policy #1: Ensure Safety for All Users and Modes Policy #2: Apply Mul modal Street Designs Policy #3: Design Transporta on Infrastructure to Address Land Use Context Policy #4: Focus Investments on Improving Connec ons and Closing Gaps Policy #5: Minimize Thoroughfare Widths Policy #6: Improve Pedestrian and Bicycle Crossings Policy #7: Target Transit Investments Policy #8: Ensure a Well-Maintained System RELATED POLICY DIRECTION IN OTHER CHAPTERS Serve: Meeting Community Needs This plan has been organized to address specific topics in specific chapters; however, the policies listed throughout this plan are very much interrelated. Listed here are the policies included in other plan chapters that relate to the Town's policies on public services and facili es. 256