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CHAPTER 9:ACT 260 COUNCIL FINAL PUBLIC MEETING DRAFT [JAN. 24, 2017] Summary of Recommended Policy Initiatives and Major Actions The Cary Community Plan provides a vision for Cary's growth and development over the next twenty years. Through its policies -- both wri en and mapped -- it provides clear guidance as to the form, characteris cs, and appearance that are desired for future development, and the type and quality of services the Town wishes to provide. However, the vision embodied by this Plan is dependent on the implementa on of policy ini a ves and specific ac ons listed at the end of each of the subject chapters (LIVE, WORK, SHOP, ENGAGE, MOVE, and SERVE) and at the end of each of the four Special Planning Area (SPA) discussions within the SHAPE chapter: Eastern Cary Gateway SPA, Downtown Cary SPA, Historic Carpenter SPA, and the Green Level SPA. This Plan's policy ini a ves and ac ons represent a good faith effort to reflect the input of Cary's ci zens, Town staff, and Town Council, but they can be adjusted as me goes by and circumstances change. Implementa on will take effort and commitment on the part of Town staff and its leaders. This Plan's recommended policy ini a ves and major ac ons obviously can't be addressed all at once, and, as stated above, an interdepartmental Comprehensive Plan Implementa on Team will be needed to priori ze them and assign target comple on dates accordingly. Some immediate revisions to the Land Development Ordinance (LDO) will be essen al for the Plan's ini al implementa on. Updating the Plan This comprehensive plan provides a vision for Cary's growth and development over the next twenty years. Updates should be made when necessary to acknowledge planning objec ves for new facili es. There should be a review and interim update to this Plan at least every five years, with the understanding that when the three recently-adopted, s ll-current plans that are incorporated by reference into this Cary Community Plan -- the Parks, Recrea on and Cultural Resources Master Plan; the Public Art Master Plan; and the Historic Preserva on Master Plan – are ready for an update, their respec ve updates will be physically integrated into this Plan. The Cary Community Plan as a whole should be comprehensively updated every 10 years. On the next several pages is a table containing a summary of this Plan's recommended policy ini a ves and major ac ons, arranged by chapter. See the "How We Will Achieve Our Vision" sec on(s) in each chapter for addi onal important discussion on many of the ini a ves and ac ons. Implementation of the Policy Initiatives The ac ons listed in the following table are major ones. Implementa on of many of the ac ons will require preparatory and supplementary steps, including but not limited to topical research, dra ing of proposals, and public mee ngs and hearings before being recommended to Town Council for review and approval. Implementa on of the policy ini a ves and ac ons presented here is also dependent on the availability of staff and budgeted resources, and therefore should be reviewed on a regular basis for adjustment and re-priori za on as directed by Town Council. It should be understood that recommended ac ons include explora on and evalua on of op ons, and discussion with and review by internal stakeholders.