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261 COUNCIL FINAL PUBLIC MEETING DRAFT [JAN. 24, 2017] LIVE: Foster Strong and Sustainable Neighborhoods Policy Initiative: Implement a Strong Neighborhoods Initiative - Create a baseline housing inventory and neighborhoods assessment to develop a neighborhoods health report. - Work with neighborhoods to explore development of a formal mechanism for communicating neighborhood interests and concerns to Town officials. - Amend the LDO to include context-sensitive infill and redevelopment design standards. - Expand the framework of what is now called Project Phoenix to include an interdepartmental task force that examines whether the Project Phoenix model could be expanded to include issues related to community development, code enforcement, and minimum housing. - Expand the funding and scope of the Neighborhood Improvement Program. Policy Initiative: Expand Housing Choices - Create a Cary task force to collaborate with employers and other stakeholders on the development of workforce housing. - Tie general fund support of community investment and housing to a fixed formula based on the age of the housing stock, population growth and/or amount of CDBG received. Continue to operate as a revolving fund. - Develop new zoning districts and /or development incentives to accommodate new housing options/trends such as co-housing arrangements, small apartment buildings, tiny houses, cottage homes, and accessory dwelling units. - Initiate/participate in intergovernmental efforts to increase revenue support for funding affordable housing. - Consider prioritizing existing publicly-owned surplus land for affordable housing developments; land-bank appropriate sites. Cary Community Plan Policy Initiatives and Recommended Major Actions