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GLOSSARY Adapta on: Adjustment or prepara on of natural or human systems to a new or changing environment which moderates harm or exploits beneficial opportuni es. Adap ve Reuse: Also called repurposing, the rehabilita on or renova on of exis ng building(s) or structures for any use(s) other than the present use(s). Affordable Housing: Housing units where the occupant is paying no more than 30 percent of gross income for housing costs, including taxes and u li es. Federal guidelines define affordable owner-occupied housing as being for individuals and families earning between 60% and 80% of area median income, and affordable rental housing as being for individuals and families earning up to 60% of the area median income. Age-Restricted Apartments: An apartment specifically designed for independent living for re red individuals or couples over a specified age. These apartments may provide special ameni es, but usually cater to self-sufficient individuals. Alignments: The curvature and grade of a roadway or railroad. Alterna ve Energy: Some mes called renewable energy, refers to any non-fossil fuel energy from a source that is not depleted when used, such as wind, solar, or hydroelectric power. Anchor Ins tu on: Typically, non-profit ins tu ons that establish themselves in a region and tend to present a large economic presence in that region. Annex/Annexa on: To incorporate a previously unincorporated area into an exis ng district or municipality. At-Grade Crossings: An intersec on where a railway line crosses a road or path at the same level of the road, as opposed to over or under the road with a bridge or tunnel. Average Annual Daily Traffic (AADT): The total volume of vehicle traffic of a highway or road for a year divided by 365 days. Below Grade: Below ground level, for instance, a tunnel that goes under an exis ng road. See also: Grade Separa on. Bike Facili es: Improvements and provisions which accommodate or encourage bicycling, including parking facili es, maps, signs, bike lanes, mul -use paths, and shared roadways designated for bicycle use. Bollards: A short, ver cal post. O en used to control or direct road traffic, bollards can be used to establish separate bike lanes. Bonus Densi es: A zoning tool that permits developers to build at greater densi es than normally allowed, in exchange for provision of a defined public benefit. Bonus densi es are a type of incen ve zoning. Bo le Necks: A point of conges on or blockage. Buffers: A strip of land, fence, or border of trees, etc., between one use and another, used to separate and par ally obstruct the view of two adjacent land uses or proper es from one another. A buffer area may include any required screening for the site. Building Massing: The three-dimensional bulk of a building: height, width, and depth. Building Setbacks: The minimum distance by which any building or structure must be separated from a street right-of-way or lot line. Bus Rapid Transit: A bus-based mass transit system, generally with specialized design, services and infrastructure to improve system quality and remove the typical causes of delay. Business Accelerator: similar to incubator, o en start-up companies further along by ac ng as early investors. Business Incubator: A facility dedicated to the start-up and growth of small businesses, accomplished through management and facility support systems. Central Business District: The major commercial downtown center of a community. Charre e: A public design workshop in which stakeholders and technicians work together to achieve an agreeable project or vision. Class A Office Space: Most pres gious buildings compe ng for premier office users with rents above average for the area. Buildings have high quality standard finishes, state of the art systems, excep onal accessibility and a definite market presence. Class B Office Space: Buildings compe ng for a wide range of users with rents in the average range for the area. Building finishes are fair to good for the area and systems are adequate, but the building does not compete with Class A at the same price. The terms used in this glossary are intended to assist with interpreta on of the Cary Community Plan. These terms do not replace nor do they supersede defini ons provided in Chapter 12 of the Cary Land Development Ordinance. CHAPTER 10:APPENDIX 276 COUNCIL FINAL PUBLIC MEETING DRAFT [JAN. 24, 2017]