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CHAPTER 6:SHAPE For years, Cary's development review process has used design guidelines and standards that have shaped the form and design of the Town's new developments, and ul mately resulted in the Town's strong reputa on for its a en on to design quality. Today, the Town's design guidance is provided using the following guiding documents. Site Design Standards Manual Adopted in 2012, Cary's Site Design Standards Manual is an illustrated handbook depic ng standards included in the Town's Land Development Ordinance. It sets out the Town's expecta ons for site design for all developments in Cary, whether residen al or non-residen al, through a set of seven Design Principles: 1. Create Human Scale: Create a comfortable rela onship between buildings and spaces that is relatable to the human form. 2. Create Sense of Place: Create an impression of the development that separates it from other developments and remains in your mind when you leave the area. 3. Connect Uses: Create clear pedestrian and vehicular pathways between developments and intermingle compa ble uses. 4. Provide Transi ons: Create effec ve and smooth transi ons between adjacent uses. 5. Reduce Parking Impacts: Design parking to reduce the "sea of parking" one commonly finds at retail centers, and "garagescapes" where car garages take up significant street frontage in neighborhoods. 6. Plan for Pedestrians, Bicyclists, and Transit Users: Create logical connec ons for bike or pedestrian traffic between des na ons, and provide transit stops at major developments. 7. Provide Open Space: Provide outdoor space that is as integral to an overall development plan as the construc on of buildings and roads. The above Design Principles are further strengthened with a set of four Core Design Standards: vehicular circula on, building placement, pedestrian circula on, and community spaces. All development applica ons to the Town are required to address the manner in which each of the seven design principles are met through the design of the project. DESIGNING DEVELOPMENT IN CARY 84 COUNCIL FINAL PUBLIC MEETING DRAFT [JAN. 24, 2017]