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CHAPTER 6:SHAPE SPECIAL PLANNING AREAS Cary's Future Growth Framework is supplemented by five special planning areas: • Eastern Cary Gateway • Downtown (6 subareas) • Historic Carpenter • Green Level • Chatham County-Town of Cary Joint Planning Area These five areas were iden fied as needing addi onal planning guidance as they are key opportunity areas for redevelopment or new development. This sec on provides more detailed policy direc on to guide designs for future developments in special planning areas, and includes the core issues, vision for character and form of development, policies, transporta on improvements, and guidance for future development. The map below denotes the loca ons of these special planning areas. ! T ! T ! T ! T ¾ ¾ 540 § ¨¦ 540 § ¨¦ 540 § ¨¦ 440 § ¨¦ 40 § ¨¦ 40 § ¨¦ 40 § ¨¦ 40 § ¨¦ 40 § ¨¦ 40 § ¨¦ 40 § ¨¦ 40 £ ¤ 1 £ ¤ 70 ¾ ¾ 54 ¾ ¾ 54 ¾ ¾ 751 ¾ ¾ 751 ¾ ¾ 540 ¾ ¾ 147 ¾ ¾ 54 ¾ ¾ 55 ¾ ¾ 540 ¾ ¾ 540 ¾ ¾ 540 SPECIAL PLANNING AREAS I 0 1 2 0.5 Miles Green Level Special Planning Area Historic Carpenter Special Planning Area Downtown Special Planning Area East Cary Gateway Special Planning Area Chatham County Wake County August 31, 2015 Cary Planning Area Boundary Redevelopment Corridor Special Planning Areas Cary Municipal Boundary Cary ETJ ! T Potential Transit Station Areas Chatham - Cary Joint Land Use Plan 116 COUNCIL FINAL PUBLIC MEETING DRAFT [JAN. 24, 2017]