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EASTERN CARY GATEWAY SPECIAL PLANNING AREA ADOPTED BY CARY TOWN COUNCIL NOVEMBER 10, 2016 Review Regulatory Measures That Impact Development Timelines for the Area 3 Major Actions: • Review regulatory measures that impact development melines for the area. Establish review and approval processes to allow for expedited processing of applica ons that directly align with and promote the vision and policies of this Eastern Cary Gateway Plan. • Establish a stakeholders group to review implementa on of the Plan. Neighboring development is always connected to a degree, but the success of development in Eastern Cary Gateway, and its contribu on to the lifestyle and economy of the Town, are par cularly dependent on collabora on. There are many large sec ons within this planning area being developed or redeveloped, and collabora ve planning efforts could result in a stronger plan for the en re area. A stakeholders group should be established to meet with the Town to advise and review implementa on of the Eastern Cary Gateway Special Planning Area, and to partner on implementa on. 135