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DOWNTOWN CARY SPECIAL PLANNING AREA Downtown Cary Special Planning Area Town-wide growth has propelled the Cary community forward and created high value living and working op ons. All the while, the downtown area con nues to maintain its historic character and central civic focus. Downtown has been one of the primary areas in Cary for focused investment. Recent efforts to bring greater vitality and ac vity to Cary's downtown have resulted in strategic public investments that have improved and modernized street infrastructure, revitalized historic buildings, and enhanced civic space for the Town's residents and visitors. Today, business representa ves and community members are recognizing the need for downtown expansion and redevelopment that builds off of the area's exis ng assets and adds more dining, entertainment, housing, and employment op ons in Downtown Cary. Many opportuni es exist to transform downtown into a vibrant des na on that accommodates live, work, play, and learn opportuni es. A short walk between Cary's unique des na ons, diverse suppor ng neighborhoods, and a future downtown regional transit hub would make it easier for workers and residents to access opportuni es in and around the heart of Cary. Planning for Cary's downtown dates back many years, including a major streetscape update in the 1980's, and development of the first comprehensive master plan for the en re downtown in 2001. Since then, progress on implemen ng plans for the downtown has included development of special downtown zoning districts, design guidelines, streetscape plans, and mul ple addi onal studies. This Downtown Special Planning Area con nues that tradi on, by providing the first complete update of the vision and plan for downtown Cary since 2001. Context Planning History Adopted August 9, 2001 produced by the Town of Cary Planning Department Town of Cary Future Land Use and Transportation Plan Add Town of Cary Seal L I N A , 1871 C O N R A Y R O T H C A R The Town Center Area Plan (TCAP) was adopted by Council in 2001, and guided the overall development of downtown un l 2016. It included a proposal for a central Town Center Park, supported higher- density development in targeted loca ons, iden fied infrastructure improvements, and promoted expanding cultural and community ac vi es. 137 COUNCIL FINAL PUBLIC MEETING DRAFT [JAN. 24, 2017]