Cary Community Plan 2-23-17 Part 1

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Implement the Recommendations of the Historic Preservation Master Plan Incorporate the Parks, Recreation & Cultural Resources Master Plan, Public Art Master Plan, and Historic Preservation Master Plan into the Cary Community Plan Document HOW WE WILL ACHIEVE OUR VISION 3 Chapter Six of the Historic Preserva on Master Plan contains an ac on plan and implementa on schedule that includes recommended implementa on year(s) and involved en es (see Appendix). There are 71 ac on items categorized into three separate implementa on phases: Phase 1: Strengthening the Framework (timeframe 1-3 years) This phase includes priority ac ons as well as ac ons that can be implemented in a short period of me, including a comprehensive survey of historic proper es, development of a Historic Preserva on Commission, priori za on of historic proper es, new development standards and Town policies, and engaging in mee ngs and outreach efforts to promote historic preserva on. Phase 2: Program Development ( meframe 4-7 years) In this phase, ac ons include achieving Cer fied Local Government status, sponsorship of workshops, incen ve development, outreach to property owners, ordinance development, and addi onal public and stakeholder outreach efforts. Phase 3: Looking Ahead ( meframe 8+ years) In this phase, ac ons include development of a historic preserva on resource library, iden fica on of new historic proper es of interest, and inves ga ng financing mechanisms such as a historic preserva on revolving fund. Ongoing Actions: Programs Already Underway that Will Continue The plan calls for con nuing current historic preserva on work that provides outreach assistance to property owners, iden fies eligible proper es, educates the public, and seeks grant funding. Major Actions: Update the three exis ng plans and incorporate them into the main Cary Community Plan document within five years of its adop on. For each plan, the update should: • Examine existing conditions • Evaluate trends and update opportunities and challenges • Provide new or updated policies related to parks, recreation, cultural resources, public art, and historic preservation • Identify new policy initiatives and recommended actions 4 79

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