Cary Community Plan 11-04-2016 Part 2

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259 COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARING DRAFT [NOV. 3, 2016] Amending the Plan Summary of Recommended Policy Initiatives and Major Actions A performance indicator is a measure of achievement over a selected me period. It is a measurement that can be used as a reference or as a standard for comparison. Poten al performance measurements can be developed for each policy ini a ve or group of related policy ini a ves. For example, for the policy ini a ve Create a Business-Friendly Environment, a performance indicator could be Percentage of Business Owners Ra ng Cary as a Good Place to Do Business. It will be important to establish a baseline (actual or a surrogate) for each performance indicator against which to measure progress over me. Baselines can be established by using professional accredita on standards, through the use of community surveys, etc. Within three months following Plan adop on, the interdepartmental team assembled to begin developing the priori zed ac on implementa on plan should also begin developing a set of performance indicators by which to measure the Plan's effec veness over me; then proceed as necessary to establish baseline measures, and determine goals/targets. Measurements should be evaluated over me so it can be determined whether plan policies and ini a ves are having the desired effect. An analysis could be included as part of annual implementa on monitoring, making it a combined system of repor ng to elected officials and the community. From me to me, it will be necessary to update the Cary Community Plan to address condi ons that could not have been an cipated during the planning process. The Town's Land Development Ordinance sets out the specific procedures for amending the plan. This process includes submi al of an amendment applica on, staff review of the applica on, a minimum of two public hearings before the Town Council and Planning and the Zoning Board, and concludes with a vote by the Town Council. According to Cary's Land Development Ordinance, proposals to amend the Comprehensive Plan shall be evaluated based upon whether the amendment is necessary in order to address condi ons including, but not limited to, the following: (1) A change in projec ons or assump ons from those on which the Comprehensive Plan is based; (2) Iden fica on of new issues, needs, or opportuni es that are not adequately addressed in the Comprehensive Plan; (3) A change in the policies, objec ves, principles, or standards governing the physical development of the Town or any other geographic areas addressed by the Comprehensive Plan; or (4) Iden fica on of errors or omissions in the Comprehensive Plan One of the benefits of the Future Growth Framework in this Cary Community Plan is that it provides guidance about the general character of development and allows for a variety of uses in most categories. This will serve to provide a flexible land development framework that will support redevelopment efforts, while also providing clear direc on regarding the vision for different areas of the Town. This flexible approach will likely result in a minimal number of comprehensive plan amendments, reducing me spent on making minor adjustments to the plan. The Cary Comprehensive Plan provides a vision for Cary's growth and development over the next twenty years. Through its policies and the Growth Framework Map, it provides clear guidance as to the form, characteris cs, and appearance that are desired for future development, and the type and quality of services the Town wishes to provide. However, the vision embodied by this Plan is dependent on the implementa on of policy ini a ves and specific ac ons listed at the end of each of the subject chapters (LIVE, WORK, SHOP, ENGAGE, MOVE, and SERVE) and at the end of each of the four Special Planning Area (SPA) discussions within the SHAPE chapter: Eastern Cary Gateway SPA, Downtown Cary SPA, Historic Carpenter SPA, and the Green Level SPA. These policy ini a ves and ac ons reflect the input of Cary's ci zens, Town staff, and Town Council, and implementa on will take effort and commitment on the part of Town staff and its leaders. This Plan's recommended policy ini a ves and major ac ons obviously can't be addressed all at once, and, as stated above, an interdepartmental Comprehensive Plan Implementa on Team will be needed to priori ze them and assign target comple on dates accordingly. But it should be assumed that some immediate revisions to the Land Development Ordinance (LDO) will be essen al for the Plan's ini al implementa on. Below is a table containing a summary of this Plan's recommended policy ini a ves and major ac ons, arranged by chapter. See the How We Will Achieve Our Vision sec on(s) in each chapter for addi onal important discussion on many of the ini a ves and ac ons.

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