New Infrastructure Added
Over the fourth quarter, the Town added the following
new infrastructure, measured in linear feet (LF).
9,901 LF
8,753 LF 3,065 LF
683 LF
7,253 LF
Water line
Sanitary sewer line Reclaimed water line
Public Greenways
Long-Range Water Resources Plan Update
An update to the Town's Long-Range Water Resources Plan will occur in 2017. The current plan was
developed in 2011-2012 and needs to be reviewed and updated to ensure the Town maintains reliable and
sufficient water supplies to serve our current and future citizens. The Plan will address Town needs for water
supply, water treatment, reclaimed water use, demand management and wastewater treatment for a 50 year
planning horizon.
The Plan will consist of two parts:
Water supply analysis of
2012-2016 citizen behaviors
using utility system data,
potable and reclaimed water
use billing data and Aquastar
monitoring data.
Update to the current Plan,
including modifications
needed to cost-effectively
ensure safe, reliable water
supply and wastewater
treatment needs for the next
50 years.