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• Challenges and Opportunities • Designing Development in Cary • Policy Direction • How We Will Achieve Our Vision • Future Growth Framework and Special Planning Areas • Related Policy Direction in Other Chapters Cary will manage land to create a distinctive, attractive, physical environment for our growing and diverse town while maintaining our community character. Development should focus on creating and maintaining high-quality commercial areas and strong residential neighborhoods complemented by walkable mixed use activity nodes that serve all citizens. Cary has a long history of being a well-managed and planned community. Numerous policy documents have been developed over the years that have guided annex- ation, community investment, and land planning deci- sions. The Town will carry forward many of these operat- ing policies while setting the stage for new development opportunities that reinforce the Town's vision to encour- age redevelopment and infill development and new vi- brant mixed use and walkable destination centers. CARY COMMUNITY PLAN 2040 Cary will focus redevelopment efforts on underperforming land and building assets, and focus new infill development on vacant areas that are already served by existing infra- structure. Older shopping centers and commercial areas are key redevelopment priorities. And downtown represents a good opportunity to invest in a way that creates an active, walkable mixed use environment which yields greater eco- nomic value and a point of pride for Cary. 6. SHAPE IN THIS CHAPTER: CARY VALUES: MANAGING FUTURE LAND USE ENCOURAGING REDEVELOPMENT AND INFILL EFFORTS Guiding Community Growth