Cary Community Plan 2-23-17 Part 2

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Tradi onal Development: Development based on human- scale design that incorporates walkability, increased density, a mix of uses, and reduced automobile usage. Transit: Passenger services provided by public, private, or nonprofit en es such as commuter rail, rail rapid transit, light rail transit, light guideway transit, express bus, and local fixed route bus services. Transit-Oriented Development: Moderate- or high-density housing concentrated in mixed-use developments that encourage the use of public transporta on. Transporta on Networks: The collec ve interconnected pa erns of movement for all modes of transit, which may include biking, walking, public transporta on, and vehicular travel. Tree Canopy: The total area of the tree or trees where the leaves and outermost branches extend, also known as the "drip line". Trip-Genera ng Des na on: Any loca on that acts as the mo va on for a par cular trip. These may include workplaces, shopping malls, or restaurants. Trips: One-way journey that proceeds from an origin to a des na on via a single mode of transporta on; the smallest unit of movement considered in transporta on studies. Urban Transi on Buffers: A buffer established along streams within the Town of Cary Planning Jurisdic on effec ve at protec ng private and public investment, buffering incompa ble uses, promo ng conserva on, balancing the built environment with preserva on of natural resources and open spaces, and preserving the iden ty and character of the Town of Cary. User Fees: Fees paid by the users of a service; typically these fees are the financial mechanism suppor ng the service. Vernacular Architecture: Building construc on based on local needs, construc on materials, and reflec ng local tradi ons. Viewsheds/Historic Viewsheds: The geographical area visible from a par cular loca on, typically providing some cultural, historic, or aesthe c value. Walkable: An area with a dense network of connected streets and pedestrian pathways, and a high concentra on of ameni es, such that a pedestrian may easily reach a desired des na on a short period of me, typically 5-10 minutes. Warehouse: A large building where raw materials or manufactured goods may be stored before their export or distribu on for sale. Waste Streams: Aggregate flow of waste material from genera on to treatment to final disposi on. Wastewater: Water carrying waste from domes c, commercial, or industrial facili es. Watersheds: The en re land area, also known as a drainage area, which collects precipita on and contributes surface runoff to a receiving body of water or specific point along a watercourse. Wildlife Habitat Corridors: A narrow connec on between regions of suitable habitat that allow for the safe movement and migra on of wildlife. Zoning: The division of a city or county by legisla ve regula ons into areas, which specify allowable uses for real property and size restric ons for buildings within these areas. Zoning Amendment: A change in the wording, context, or substance of zoning categories, or a change in the zoning or district boundaries of the official zoning map. Zoning Districts: As defined by the Town of Cary Land Use Ordinance, a sec on or por on of the Town within which certain zoning regula ons and requirements governing the use of buildings and land apply under the provisions of this Ordinance. 281 SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS

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