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265 Policy Initiative: Review Regulatory Measures That Impact Development Timelines for the Area - Review regulatory measures that impact development timelines for the area; establish review and approval processes to allow for expedited processing of applications that directly align with and promote the vision and policies of this Eastern Cary Gateway Plan. - Establish a stakeholders group to review implementation of the Plan. Downtown Cary Policy Initiative: Foster Downtown's Authentic Character - Explore and develop strategies for communicating Cary's cultural and architectural history. - Develop financial incentives to support balanced, mixed-income neighborhoods surrounding downtown. Policy Initiative: Promote a Distinct Downtown Identity - Develop distinct branding and signage to encompass all downtown sub-districts. - Through public and private investments, enhance the visual appeal of downtown through such activities as expanding the streetscape onto Chatham Street and other principal downtown streets; adding public art; burying existing above-ground utility lines, etc. Policy Initiatives: Balance Transportation Investments to Support All Modes, and Promote Multi- Modal Connections Between Downtown Sub-Districts. - Expand accessibility to and within downtown and supporting neighborhoods via greenways, bike routes, public transit options, additional regular and handicapped parking. - Update the downtown parking strategy. Policy Initiative: Encourage Downtown Reinvestment and Redevelopment While Supporting a Range of Uses - Update zoning districts and related development standards to implement the downtown vision. - Identify and implement strategies for maximizing the use of the Business Improvement District. Historic Carpenter Policy Initiatives: Protect Historic Properties and Places; Encourage Compatible Infill Development and Uses Within and Adjacent to the Carpenter National Register District - Explore development of a Carpenter Local Historic District. - Develop and adopt design guidelines. - Consider developing preservation incentives.