Cary Community Plan 2-23-17 Part 2

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Commuter Rail: A passenger rail that transports people from city centers to middle and outer suburbs, usually between work and home. Company Cluster: A geographic concentra on of interconnected businesses, suppliers, and suppor ng ins tu on in a par cular field. Clusters are thought to increase produc vity. Compos ng: Processing organic waste in a controlled environment to produce a stable product by microbiologically degrading organic ma er under aerobic condi ons. The final product may be used as fer lizer. Connec vity: The level of interconnectedness between streets internal to and external to an individual site or development. Context-Sensi ve: Development that considers the surrounding character and occurs in a way that is complementary to that character, but does not necessarily match that character. Con nuing Care Re rement Community: Re rement centers with accommoda ons for independent living, assisted living, and nursing home care. Contribu ng Structures: A building, site, structure, or object that adds to the historic associa on, quality, or values of an historic site because it was present during the period of significance, relates to the documented significance of the property and possesses historic integrity, or is capable of yielding important informa on about the period. Courtyard Apartments: One or more mul family dwellings, occupied on a long-term residen al basis, arranged around one or more sides of a court or place from which any dwelling unit therein has its principal means of access. Cross-Sec ons: A profile of the ground surface perpendicular to the center line of a street. Curb and Gu er: Tradi onal form of stormwater management that uses man-made infrastructure along the edge of a right-of- way to collect and direct precipita on into pipelines. Curb cuts: The providing of vehicular ingress or egress between property and an abu ng public street. Duplex: A building on a single lot designed to contain two dwelling units and used for residen al purposes. Similarly a triplex contains three dwelling units and a fourplex contains four dwelling units. Dwelling Unit: A single unit providing complete, independent living facili es, including areas for cooking and sanita on for one family. Ecosystem Services: Benefits provided by natural ecosystem func ons such as water filtra on and pollina on. Egress: An exit. Embodied Energy: Energy consumed by all of the processes associated with the produc on of infrastructure including the mining of natural resources and the transporta on of materials. Emergency Services: The conduct of publicly owned safety and emergency services, such as, but not limited to, fire sta ons, police sta ons, and emergency medical and ambulance service. Enabling Statutes: Legisla ve acts authorizing a government agency to do something that previously could not be done. Facades: The face of a building, especially the principal face. Floodplain: The land area suscep ble to inunda on by water as a result of a flood event. Form-Based: A special type of zoning that regulates the look and layout of a street and buildings along the street, but does strictly regulate the use of buildings. Frequency of Service: The number of public transporta on vehicles per unit me past a par cular point along a given route. Frontages: The length of the property line of any parcel along each street that it borders. Geopolicing Districts: The three geographic districts that separate Cary into smaller units for more effec ve provision of police services. Grade Separa on: A method of aligning a junc on of two or more surface transport axes at different heights (grades) so that they will not disrupt the traffic flow on other transit routes when they cross each other. Green Building Techniques: Environmentally and ecologically sensi ve methods of building construc on that aim to minimize resource use and environmental impact. Green Economy: Economy focused on genera ng growth and improvements in quality of life in ways consistent with sustainable development by focusing on sustaining economic, environmental, and social well-being. 277 SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS

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