Cary Community Plan 2-23-17 Part 2

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Green Infrastructure Networks: Connected systems of green stormwater infrastructure that provide a connected pathway through which water can slowly flow and filter back into the ground. Green Infrastructure: Stormwater management techniques designed to slow the flow of stormwater, allowing it to filter back into the ground. This includes green roofs, filter strips, and bioswales. Greenfield Development: Development on undeveloped parcels, typically not surrounded by exis ng development, or on large parcels surrounding par ally developed areas. Greenways: A linear open space, either privately-owned or owned by the Town or another unit of government, which contains trails for ac vi es such as walking, bicycling, or horseback riding, or provides areas for passive recrea on, but not for use by vehicles for purposes other than maintenance. Historic District Overlay Zoning: An addi onal layer of planning regula on with the purpose of implemen ng addi onal protec ons and controls on proper es and structures located within locally designated Historic Districts. Local historic districts shall be areas which are deemed to be of special significance in terms of their history, architecture, and/or culture, and to possess integrity of design, se ng, materials, feeling, and associa on. Historic Landmarks: An individual structure or group of structures on a single lot, a site, an area, a district, or combina on thereof, having a special historical, architectural, cultural, or aesthe c value. Homeowners Associa on (HOA): An organiza on in a subdivision, planned community or condominium that makes and enforces rules for the proper es in its jurisdic on. Human Scale: The propor onal rela onship of a par cular building, structure, or streetscape element to the human form and func on. Hybrid Approach: A Land Use Ordinance approach using a combina on of tradi onal land use regula ons and form-based regula ons to achieve the most appropriate form and func on for a given district or region. Impervious Surface: Any hard-surfaced, man-made area that allows li le or no infiltra on of precipita on into the soil. Impervious surface areas include that por on of a development project that is covered by buildings; areas paved with concrete, asphalt or brick; gravel road; recrea on facili es such as tennis courts; pa os, driveways, and streets. "Impervious surface area" does not include sla ed decks and the water surface area of a swimming pool. Incen ve Zoning Program: The process whereby a developer may be granted some provision in exchange for the developer's provision of a public benefit or amenity as may be specified in this zoning code. Incidental and Other Use Types: Land uses and development other than the predominant uses expected within a development category (defined in Chapter 6). Incidental uses within a development category comprise only a minor por on of a geographic subarea assigned that category on the Future Growth Framework Map. Incidental use types include uses that might reasonably be expected to be present within, and suppor ve of, the overall development category. Infill Development: The use of vacant land within a developed area, the reuse or change of use of a previously developed parcel or group of parcels, or the intensifica on of use of an exis ng development. Ingress: Access point or entrance. Intersec on Improvements: Any change in the spa al design, layout, or technology that improves traffic flow or increases the safety for mul ple modes of transporta on. Land Assemblage: Combining two or more parcels of land to be sold as one large tract. O en used as a technique to enable redevelopment. Land Dedica on Ordinance: A requirement for an owner(s) or subdivider to set aside a certain por on or por ons of land for some specified or public use. Levels of Service: A ra ng scale that measures the speed, convenience, comfort and security of transporta on facili es and services as experienced by users. Ra ngs typically range from A (best) to F (worst). Ligh ng Fixtures: An outdoor illumina ng device, reflec ve surface, lamp, or similar device, permanently installed or portable, used for illumina on, decora on, or adver sement. Live-Work Units: A dwelling unit used for both dwelling purposes and any nonresiden al use permi ed in the zoning district in which the unit is located. Master-Planned Communi es: Self-contained suburban environments including numerous individual subdivisions with both single-family and mul -family home. They o en provide an abundance of recrea onal and social ameni es that are usually restricted for use by residents, exclusively. CHAPTER 10:APPENDIX 278

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