Cary Community Plan 2-23-17 Part 2

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DOWNTOWN CARY SPECIAL PLANNING AREA General Character As Cary's main commercial street, this corridor consists of ver cal mixed use buildings that accommodate retail, dining, services, entertainment, and office uses on the first floor, facing Chatham Street, and live-work units, offices, and condominiums/apartments on upper floors. Infill development and adap ve reuse of historic structures, widened sidewalks, and street trees create a cohesive urban environment. Buildings have similar setbacks, frame the street, and showcase the ac vity happening inside the buildings with high quality design that respects Cary's history. Building Height Ideally 2-3 stories, but can go higher depending on the height of adjacent buildings, and the use of design techniques such as stepping back the upper floors further from the street than the lower floors. Heights should step down to adjacent lower story buildings where necessary, or otherwise provide acceptable transi ons. Due to the rela vely narrow width of Chatham Street itself, the height of future buildings should be compa ble with the context, and be suppor ve of the small-town "main street" character intended for this area. Opportuni es • Protect historic structures by ensuring adap ve reuse of structures, and using context-sensi ve development designs on adjacent proper es that complement the historic character • As redevelopment occurs, reduce driveways accessing directly from Chatham Street • Consider shared parking, and plan for new centrally located surface and structured parking to serve the subarea, while limi ng on-site surface parking. • Enhance streetscapes by providing wider sidewalks that can accommodate sidewalk dining, and poten ally on-street vendors during fes vals and events • Redesign of non-historic proper es will create cohesive building frontages that frame the street • Public art and iconic architecture will be incorporated into new projects • Provide facili es at transit stops, such as waste receptacles and benches, to increase the comfort and ease of travel for transit users • West Chatham Street is now recommended for two travel lanes. Along sec ons that were previously widened to four travel lanes, consider a road diet and conversion of lanes to other uses. Vision for CEntral Chatham: Cary's main strEEt Chatham Street will be transformed into a vibrant mixed use corridor with shops, restaurants, breweries, studios, and sidewalk vendors. The street will be a corridor, where people move between adjacent subareas. It will be Cary's primary des na on for dining, entertainment, and shopping. And it will be a neighborhood, a downtown community with a variety of living op ons where residents can obtain their daily needs within a short walk. Formal and informal ac vity on the sidewalk will create an exci ng atmosphere and accommodate streetside dining. Mul -story buildings and street trees will frame the street and add greenery, housing, and office space to this important area. Short blocks and street ac vity signal motorists to slow down while bolstering the pedestrian realm. Public events and fes vals will fill the corridor with visitors and residents that will stroll along Chatham Street, occasionally pausing to look through windows at cafes, shops, and restaurants, or listen to a street musician. The conceptual image above of a future West Chatham Street corridor illustrates one form that redevelopment could take in the Central Chatham subarea. 161

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