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CHAPTER 6:SHAPE 2 2 Neighborhoods in Green Level (areas and ) • New development should be shielded from view from thorough- fares and the American Tobacco Trail (ATT) using natural topography, opaque vegetated open spaces, and/or streetscape buffers. •Subdivisions should preserve historic resources iden fied on Cary's Historic Proper es Inventory. First priority should be given to pre- serving structures in situ whenever possible, or otherwise as near as possible to original loca ons. •The use of clustered, or conserva on, subdivision design is encour- aged. Preserved open spaces should be oriented around prominent natural features and/or historic resources. •New development should be designed using features and elements that complement and harken back to the historic rural character of Green Level. •Taken as a whole, new housing Green Level will be predominantly single family detached. • Thoroughfare and collector roads should have streetscape buffers that shield new development from view, and also use a less formal type of streetscape landscaping. Such streetscape designs might have a greater reliance on retaining exis ng forest, u lizing na ve vegeta on, grassed medians, and/or design elements such as rural fences. 3 Neighborhoods East of Flat Branch • This area begins the gradual downward transi on in density moving from areas east of I-540, heading west towards the Chatham County Line. •The area east of Green Level Church and Roberts Roads will be gen- erally akin to Classic Neighborhoods, while areas west of Green Level Church Road akin to Contemporary Neighborhoods. •Single family detached housing predominates, with a mix of lot sizes possible across the area. Pockets or mixes of other housing types, such as pa o homes or townhomes are also acceptable, provided such are shielded from view from thoroughfares. Mul family should be sited in the Green Level Des na on Center, and not in this area. •At buildout, the aggregate density of the area east of Flat Branch will be somewhat higher than the area west of Flat Branch, with an aggregate, gross area-wide density not exceeding about 3 dwellings per acre. 204