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Cary's Bike & Hike Map displays all exis ng bikeways and trails along with a guide to greenways and parks. The map itself is supplemented with a user guide including valuable informa on on the rules of the road, ps on safe cycling techniques, and links to other local resources. Cary's web-based Bike & Hike applica on makes the Bike & Hike map available on smart-phones and allows users to search and select biking and hiking routes and recrea on opportuni es. Bike & Hike Map and App Planned Bike and Pedestrian Routes The recommenda ons for bicycle and pedestrian facili es are on the map on the following page. The recommenda ons focus on gaps in the network. Because many pedestrian and bicycle facili es will be built as streets are constructed, the recommenda ons also focus on areas where street improvements are not planned in the foreseeable future. BIKE ELEMENT 237