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EASTERN CARY GATEWAY SPECIAL PLANNING AREA 4 Soccer Campus • The WakeMed Soccer Park should con nue to be a prominent use in Eastern Cary Gateway and future uses should be designed to enhance the park's character. • Within the Soccer Park area, considera on should be given to accommodate new recrea onal, ver cally mixed residen al, commercial, and employment uses on adjacent land. • As WakeMed Soccer Park grows, ingress and egress becomes more important, especially on game or event days. Improvements to the flow of visitors should be made including street connec ons, bus lanes, pedestrian trails and crossings, and connec ons to any future area transit sta ons. The connec ons should reach north onto East Chatham Street and south into the new development coming between the Soccer Park and Cary Towne Boulevard. • Look for opportuni es for shared parking between the soccer facility and nearby developments with counter-cyclical parking demands. • The future Soccer Campus designs should incorporate greenways as part of the pedestrian framework for accessing adjacent developments and des na ons. • Historically significant buildings should be iden fied in the design process, and efforts to preserve these structures should be strongly considered. Located on Microso 's corporate campus in Sea le, WA, The Commons includes a complex of restaurants, shops, a pub, office buildings, and a soccer field. In Southwest Chicago, the Focal Point Community Campus envisions a public healthcare se ng. This rendering, developed by HDR Inc., envisions a soccer field framed by offices and other ac ve spaces. Aqua c / Fitness Campus • Allow for expansion of Triangle Aqua c Center Campus facili es. • Encourage connec vity with streets and other uses including vehicle, pedestrian, and bicycle connec ons. • Look for opportuni es for shared parking between the aqua cs facility and nearby developments with counter- cyclical parking demands. Growth of the Triangle Aqua c Center could be the centerpiece of an amateur and professional training community. 5 127