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DOWNTOWN CARY SPECIAL PLANNING AREA General Character High density, mixed use developments accommodate ver cally mixed retail shops, offices, townhomes, and apartments. Some limited horizontal mixed use development may be appropriate. It is redeveloped focusing on maintaining and improving a highly connected network of streets, street trees, and buildings located close to the sidewalk. Tree-lined streets, short blocks, and uniform building frontages along E. Chatham Street and Maynard Road enhance the area's navigability. Buildings vary in height and intensity, but enhance the pedestrian realm by providing an enclosed space. Building Height Ideally 5-6 stories, but can go higher depending on context and suitability. Along East Chatham Street, with its more narrow street width, somewhat lower building heights at the street setback line may be needed in some loca ons in order to avoid crea ng an "urban canyon" effect along the street. Upper stories could be set back from the build-to line in order to mi gate that effect. Opportuni es • Streetscape improvements along main corridors communicate cohesiveness with adjacent subareas • Improvements to street network and connec ons between adjacent sites increase connec vity • High density offices and apartments frame the corridors • Addi onal public spaces surrounded by restaurants and retail provide new des na ons for residents and visitors • Redevelopment process involves exis ng tenants and residents • Consider shared parking, and plan for new centrally located surface and structured parking to serve the subarea, while limi ng on-site surface parking. • Enhance streetscapes by providing wider sidewalks that can accommodate sidewalk dining and poten ally on-street vendors during fes vals and events • Gateway treatments, such as signs and public art, iden fy entry into downtown • Site designs should reinforce use of transit Vision for East Chatham: a mixEd usE GatEway This illustra on from the Raleigh-Cary Rail Crossing Strategy Analysis, envisions a more connected and coherent built environment suppor ng transit- oriented development. This conceptual image of the intersec on of East Chatham and East Maynard Streets illustrates one form that redevelopment could take in the East Chatham subarea. Over me, the greatest transforma on within downtown will occur in the East Chatham Subarea. The East Chatham subarea is envisioned as one of two subareas that are intended to accommodate the most intense pa erns of development and building heights in the Downtown, the other being the North Academy subarea. With residen al choices including apartments, condominiums, and townhomes, employment opportuni es in offices and light manufacturing spaces, and commercial spaces for retail, restaurants, and cafes that spill onto the sidewalk and adjacent plazas, the streets will bustle with ac vity from the early morning into the evening. The most intensive and ac ve "main street" commercial and mixed-use development is envisioned to occur south of the railroad corridor, along East Chatham Street. Small parks and plazas will provide green spaces and places to relax, exercise, or meet informally with clients and colleagues. Over me, this area should transform to accommodate some of the greatest intensity of development in downtown, and include opportuni es to live, work, and play within a walkable environment. 151