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CHAPTER 6:SHAPE General Character As the historic and cultural core, this area consists of a rac ve parks, cultural centers, schools, historic structures, neighborhoods, and some smaller scale commercial uses. Public spaces are enhanced by sidewalks, street trees and compa ble buildings with a mix of uses that help ac vate the street. The view of the Arts Center along South Academy is framed by a consistent line of buildings and trees along the corridor. Short blocks and pedestrian-oriented streets indicate for drivers to slow down and watch for people. Building setbacks from the fron ng street should generally retain the historic pa erns for the par cular street. Building Height Along S. Harrison Ave., S. Academy St., Park St., and Dry St., building heights should complement and reinforce the historic built environment and small-town character, and will therefore be primarily 2 stories, except for landmark public and ins tu onal buildings, such as the churches, Arts Center, and County Library. Buildings of 2-4 stories may be appropriate along Walnut and S. Walker Streets, in order to facilitate redevelopment, and since these areas are further away from the historic core of downtown. There will be cases where taller buildings can be accommodated, as long as designs are compa ble with the predominant character of the street and adjacent and nearby proper es, especially historic proper es. Opportuni es • Provide new housing choices along the edges of the new Downtown Park • Explore new uses for Town-owned sites to ac vate the Subarea • Harrison Avenue extension should be designed to con nue the downtown connected grid pa ern • Consider shared parking, and plan for new centrally located surface and structured parking to serve the subarea, while limi ng on-site surface parking. • Enhance streetscapes by providing wider sidewalks that can accommodate sidewalk dining, and poten ally on-street vendors during fes vals and events Vision for south aCadEmy: a Cultural arts anChor South Academy will con nue to be the cultural center of Cary. The South Academy Subarea will provide a built environment that supports art, cultural ac vi es, and community gatherings. South Academy will remain the part of downtown that retains Cary's historic small town character and charm. Residents and visitors will flock to this area to stroll along its streets, a end enriching events, and people watch. Many visitors will be inspired by the deep historic context of the area as they walk south from the regional transit hub at the Cary Depot. Invi ng streetscapes and interes ng architectural pa erns will complement the historic built environment and foster a strong sense of place. A beau ful centralized park, framed by homes and businesses, will inspire visitors and residents and provide an ac ve gathering place for people to recreate, organize events, or simply relax. The new library will be a community focal point and a ract people seeking to expand their knowledge, with books and technology at their finger ps. The conceptual image to the le illustrates one form that redevelopment could take in the South Academy subarea. 166