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CHAPTER 4:SHOP ARCHITECTURAL TRANSITIONS 56 COUNCIL FINAL PUBLIC MEETING DRAFT [JAN. 24, 2017] 1 3 2 Largest Buildings of Mixed Use Center A ached Townhomes Imita ng Context Single-family Neighborhood 1 3 3 2 2 In the transi onal space between a denser mixed use center and an established neighborhood, the architectural treatment of new development can create a cohesive connec on between the neighborhood and the center, while allowing for different uses to be proximate to each other. Common elements of this strategy include matching neighborhood character through building materials and architectural design elements such as roof lines. The Clarendon Market Common in Arlington, Virginia, effec vely uses this strategy to transi on between a large mixed use development and an adjacent single-family neighborhood. The mul family units adjacent to the neighborhood are larger than a house, but the design of the building pulls elements from the surroundings, so that if walking or driving toward Market Common along local streets, the larger development appears to be just more of the same neighborhood. Even in places where the density difference is obvious, the structures s ll look like they belong to a collec ve whole. By using architectural elements from the surrounding neighborhood, the much larger mixed use center is masked and becomes just one more part of the neighborhood vista. By replica ng the pitched roofs, the designer limited views of the largest buildings in the development. From the air, it is clear how quickly the transi on occurs, and residents can take advantage of that proximity to walk to ameni es. On the local street the extent of the development is well hidden, and denser housing is made to blend in through the use of common architectural features. Arlington, VA: Street View of Architectural Transitions Arlington,VA: Aerial View of Architectural Transitions