Cary Community Plan 1-18-2017 Part 1

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USING THE PLAN 9 COUNCIL FINAL PUBLIC MEETING DRAFT [JAN. 24, 2017] Using the Plan The Cary Community Plan is organized into ten chapters: this Founda ons chapter (plan introduc on and background), seven thema c chapters (Live, Work, Shop, Shape, Engage, Move, Serve), the Act chapter (sets a course for strategically implemen ng the plan), and the Appendix (includes suppor ng documents developed during the course of Imagine Cary). The seven thema c chapters set out a policy context and policy framework, with each chapter including sec ons that address three main topics: challenges and opportuni es, goals and policies, and strategic ac ons. In addi on, these chapters conclude with cross-references to related policy direc on in other chapters. Plan Organization Purpose of Plan The plan should serve mul ple purposes: • as a guide for public decision-making related to development proposals; • for coordina ng planning efforts between the Town and adjacent jurisdic ons; • for planning for future service and facility needs; • for qualifying for state and federal grant programs; • as a marke ng tool used to showcase the key ini a ves that will con nue to maintain Cary's compe ve edge as a premier community to live, work, play, learn, and raise a family; and • as a guide for establishing annual work plans for Town departments. Vision Value Statements Policies Actions Policy Guidance The plan's policy guidance is set out in a four part structure: (1) An overarching vision statement that ar culates the future aspira ons for Cary. This statement is provided at the beginning of each chapter. (2) Value statements that set out the cri cal values the community holds that drove development of this plan. The value statements are presented on the cover page for each chapter. (3) Specific policies that aid in day-to-day decision-making to achieve the community's vision, including policy intent statements that provide guidance about implementa on of policies. The policy statements are provided within the body of each chapter. (4) Specific ac ons that the Town may take to make the vision a reality. (Note: The stated ac ons provide general direc on, but may vary in response to changing circumstances.) The ac ons are described towards the end of each chapter, and brought together in Chapter 9, ACT. FOUNDATIONS LIVE WORK SHOP ENGAGE SHAPE MOVE SERVE ACT APPENDICES introduction about the plan neighborhoods housing economy workplaces places to shop and dine historic places parks and culture land planning character of growth transportation choices public services fiscal health action plan to achieve vision technical information

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