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Goals & Objec ves The Parks, Recrea on and Cultural Resources (PRCR) Master Plan charts a course for providing a balanced system of cultural arts, ac ve recrea on, passive recrea on, and conserva on resources to all residents over a five to ten year period. Demographic informa on, public input, and advisory board recommenda ons were taken into considera on. Using an accurate inventory of department offerings, including both facili es and programs, recommenda ons are made for addressing the current needs of the Town, with flexibility to incorporate future facili es as the Town grows and changes. The plan also provides capital and opera ng investment decision-making tools to guide decision-makers. To provide high quality, accessible, sustainable parks, recrea on and cultural resources to community members of all ages and backgrounds, the Plan offers the following goals and objec ves: CHAPTER 5:ENGAGE PRCR Plan Goal 1 - Maintain a diverse and balanced park and open space system as the Town of Cary grows. The intent of this goal is to plan for the recreational and open space needs of the growing population especially in the western and southern sections of Cary. Objectives • Continue to protect areas that are ecologically important and have a high wildlife habitat value. • Actively manage the Town's natural resources by developing resource management plans for park areas, greenways and future park parcels. • Continue to develop a high quality, geographically-based system of parks throughout Town. • Update the Master Plan Level of Service to match with the Land Dedication Ordinance. • Evaluate open space requirements for future developments and ensure developments are providing adequate open space that maximizes public benefit. Work with developers to set aside important open space that provides trail connectivity, wildlife habitat corridors, and water quality protection. • Develop a well-connected open space system in the Maynard Loop and downtown that provides improved opportunities for pedestrians and bicyclists, promotes economic vitality of the Town's center, and reflects the unique character of these areas. • Upon approval of the Cary-Chatham Land Use Plan, develop a plan in partnership with Chatham County for future parks, greenways, and open space. • Based on an increasing demand for court-related athletic fields, develop a plan to increase the quantity and diversity of court types that are geographically dispersed throughout Town. • Strive to meet demand for athletic fields by converting select fields to synthetic turf, adding lighting, and expanding partnerships with schools and local sport clubs, where appropriate. • Based on an increasing demand for baseball fields, develop a plan to increase the quantity of field types that are geographically dispersed throughout Town. 2012 Parks, Recreation & Cultural Resources MASTER PLAN Parks, Recreation & Cultural Resources Master Plan The three plans included in this chapter are fully part of the Cary Community Plan (CCP). In the event of conflict between these three plans and the CCP, the newer CCP policies, recommenda ons, and guidance govern. 68 COUNCIL FINAL PUBLIC MEETING DRAFT [JAN. 24, 2017]