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CHAPTER 5:ENGAGE HPMP Goal 1: Establish Fair and Effective Processes and Policies For Preservation The intent of this goal is to ensure a legally defensible and effective preservation program. Objectives • Adhere to an effective administrative and legal framework when implementing historic preservation activities. • Maintain a complete, up-to-date survey of Cary's historic resources. • Ensure that historic preservation concerns are considered in all Town actions and ordinances. • Promote preservation using economic incentives whenever possible. HPMP Goal 2: Preserve, Protect and Maintain Cary's Historic Resources The intent of this goal is to use all available tools to proactively preserve historic resources. Objectives • Preserve and protect Cary's historic resources. • Preserve and protect cemeteries and archaeological resources. • Encourage adaptive re-use of historic structures. • Effectively steward Town-owned historic resources. HPMP Goal 3: Preserve Historic Contexts The intent of this goal is to preserve the land and patterns associated with historic buildings that complete the perspective. Objectives • Protect existing development patterns that contribute to historic areas. • Preserve and protect historic viewsheds, rural and designed landscapes, and associated historic resources. Goals and Objec ves The 2010 Historic Preserva on Master Plan (HPMP) provides guidance for establishing and developing the Town's first formal preserva on program. The Plan offers the following goals and objec ves: Historic Preservation Master Plan This Historic Preserva on Master Plan (HPMP) is fully part of the Cary Community Plan (CCP). In the event of conflict between the HPMP and the CCP, the newer CCP policies, recommenda ons, and guidance govern. 76 COUNCIL FINAL PUBLIC MEETING DRAFT [JAN. 24, 2017]